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About AndyBRN

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  1. LPN vs RN? Not as clinical as society thinks?

    I willl mention however, that most institutions generally will maximize the scope of practice for both RN and RPN. Main differences I've seen include: - IV push below the drip chamber (RN only) - Acute Care Areas such as ED, ICU, CCU (RN only) - High...
  2. LPN vs RN? Not as clinical as society thinks?

    It's actually quite a bit different here in Canada, in terms of education for RN vs. RPN. RPNs are educated at a college level for 2 years. The program is more skills-oriented, with less focus on research. RNs are educated at a University level for 4...
  3. Almost new grad who wants to work in psych--advice please!

    I'll tell you from my experience. Graduated June 2011 from BScN program (I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Landed full time job in a large teaching hospital right out of school. Part of Ontario's New Graduate Guarantee Initiative to get new grads ...
  4. What do you prefer?

    Have not worked with adolescents, but I'd probably not really enjoy working with them. Currently work in a teaching hospital in Toronto with a large population of homeless and underhoused populations. No pediatrics in this facility beside LnD. Love w...
  5. When to give hydralazine?

    By nursing standards, the order written by the physicians must have parameters for giving and/or holding the medication. Typically, I have seen Hydralazine given if SBP is greater to or equal to 160. However, this must be indicated by the order param...
  6. Unionized? Night Shift? I need your input!

    This can happen in a unionized hospital as well. Usually under the collective agreement and job description, it talks about rotating shifts, ability to work alternating weekends, holidays, etc. If a staff member chooses to swap day and night shifts w...
  7. Hello everyone! My name is Andrew and I am a Registered Nurse, practicing in Canada. I currently am working as a Registered Nurse in Mental Health, practicing on the inpatient unit, short stay crisis and psychiatric emergency services. I have been do...