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  1. East Orange General Hospital in Essex County-

    I have an urgent AND specific question for your friend...... What's involved in the IV skills test at EOG? Thanks again
  2. East Orange General Hospital in Essex County-

    Will be working nights. Thanks again. How long have your friends worked there & what depts? Wondering if short orientation was adequate for new grad.
  3. East Orange General Hospital in Essex County-

    I got hired for telemetry unit . I certainly agree about the economy and the negative ability of jobs. After school, I got hired to the first place I applied working with a vent dependent population. 1 year later, I decided to branch out and only the...
  4. Hey guys, I've accepted a position at EOGH and seeking feedback. How is the culture, environment? The salary I discovered is on the lower end of spectrum, but feels that it may be great learning environment as not too experienced BSN. Thanks again gu...