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  1. new allnurses logo - feedback wanted

    I like the original logo mostly because I do not like how the bubble seperates the all/nurses. I feel the current logo reads as a quick allnurses and the seperation makes it sound divided...all/nurses. It almost reads as if it's a different site. ...
  2. More ignorance. Any wonder the public is confused!

    Ha ha ha ha!!!...or maybe it's like you concur? [video=youtube_share;i5j1wWY-qus]
  3. New Grads!!! There IS a way to SURVIVE!!

    Where are you located KelRN215 is you don't mind me asking? Perhaps our locations and situations are different... I live in NY. There are jobs for experienced nurses. New grads frequently fly the coop often, once they get the one year experience. I...
  4. Why do we eat our young?

    So here's the recap... The original posting by jreynrn was about how she helped out a new nurse who had no support from other staff members. She was discussing her concerns of how other nurses were bullying the new nurse, or made the envirionment ve...
  5. tell me about your most embarrassing job interview!

    You probably handled better than I would have. I would've prob have done something clownish or have done some Jim Carrey antic and my story would end up in another AN forum under "who's the weirdest interviewee you ever interviewed" Something on the...
  6. Why do we eat our young?

    Perhaps if new nurses "naitivitee" (I'm a semi-new grad btw) could be looked at as a reminder of why most nurses chose this helping position. When I was 7 years old I remember asking my mom about a homeless man "Why is man sleeping on the floor?" mo...
  7. Does anyone knows of Agencys hiring LPNs in nyc?

    Volunteer yes, expect a job no. I'm volunteering at a hospital in NYC almost a year. Was told from various places it was not considered experience. You'll gain experience talking to patients and making beds. Otherwise it's usually nothing hands on...
  8. New Grads!!! There IS a way to SURVIVE!!

    Ok let me give this a try... "Not trying to burst your bubble, but a hospital would NEVER go for a program where they pay one nurse a high salary to teach 10 new grads and, together, the ELEVEN nurses (who are all being paid a nurse's salary) take ca...
  9. New Grads!!! There IS a way to SURVIVE!!

    Good for you plumbtrician! I applaud your honesty and your humility. It's good you took the initiative to travel outside your safety zone. I would love if this thread displayed all of our talents so that we could make peace with each other. If you th...
  10. New Grads!!! There IS a way to SURVIVE!!

    Thank you for understanding!!! I wish more people could understand this. I wish there were more people who had eyesight that went further than the wall in front of them. When I say people I mean in general. You are a perfect example of what a nurse s...
  11. CNN article on nurses and job growth

    Out of seriousness, I applied for housekeeping. Luckily or unluckily I got the flu so couldn't get to the hospital to followup. Nothing wrong with being a janitor if you are very fit and have lungs of steel, my boyfriend used to be one, but got very...
  12. New Grads!!! There IS a way to SURVIVE!!

    You have not had it easy. It is brave of you to share your story. One day I will share mine, but as of now I feel it will only crush my toe in the door. Thank you LadyFree28 for starting this thread. Congrads on the new job and best of all for yo...
  13. New Grads!!! There IS a way to SURVIVE!!

    Ok this is a repost from another thread but here it goes... looks very good, that is if you are able to commit to 27 months, and can pass the physical. if you happen to have $2000+ lying around, (yeah I know, who does?) there is an...
  14. I'm sorry to hear this. Maybe we could team up and come up with something. "Formerly" experienced nurses (sic) and new grads could team up somehow. Maybe open up a clinic together, could get some sort of funding. New grads have the numbers, you ha...
  15. Petition to help new grads get experience

    This thread does have a lot of gems in it from all points of views. Yes, lets create a new thread for ideas! LadyFree28 would you do the honors in creating the name for the thread? I've already angered too many people with my petition wording . ...