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  1. What did you get for Christmas?

    What did I get for xmas at my place of employment, a plate of 16 hour old sliced ham, and the CEO got paid a $4.2 million bonus, sounds fair.
  2. New health care laws and our jobs.

    Why are the care takers RN LPN CNA SECY and anxillary of the hospital having to take hourly cuts and being sent home early without pay. We break our back for our patients and the bonuses that are paid to the CEO's of "non profit" hospitals are outra...
  3. Do you know your (LPNs) scope of practice?

    Is anyone else concerned , in an effort to save money that LPN's are being used as RN's. If that's the case then RN's are no longer needed. The BON guidelines between RN and LPN states that the LPN is supervised by the RN, however in this case there ...