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About mk989

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  1. Seeking Advice: Direct Entry Blues

    Just wanted to update, especially for those who found themselves in a similar situation...don't give up. As Kelly Clarkson's song goes, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." When everything first came up I was quite sad but then decided to reac...
  2. Seeking Advice: Direct Entry Blues

    Oops meant to reply to above post (error)
  3. Seeking Advice: Direct Entry Blues

    Thank you all for your feedback. I am definitely interested in residency programs and open to pursuing a specialty that would provide intensive training. I also like the idea of focusing my content development and becoming an expert in one area. The...
  4. Seeking Advice: Direct Entry Blues

    I am in peds, but open to exploring RN positions in the adult area as well.
  5. Seeking Advice: Direct Entry Blues

    I am a graduate of direct entry accelerated BSN/MSN program for non nurses. I came into the role of APN, specifically NP as a very green graduate. I did very well in my program, but am finding clinical practice as an APN to be quite challenging. Acad...
  6. Nursing corps scholarship 2015-2016

    Congrats to all! I am still check on 7/29 which resulted in a bit of a dive for my score ugh. Would be really awesome if it worked out. This is my second time applying first time was for 3 years BSN to NP, now just for the completion...
  7. Nursing corps scholarship 2015-2016

    Nothing here yet (NP student) I am wondering if they only send emails out on Fridays? I looked through some past cycles and that seems to be common, the first Friday of August with one week to get all the finalist materials in. Just a theory though. ...
  8. Nursing corps scholarship 2015-2016

    I applied as well, (NP student). My program is actually a DE program BSN to MSN (3 years but I am in the last year now), I finished the BSN in May and am already in the NP portion. I applied two cycles ago and didn't receive the scholarship, applied ...
  9. NURSE Corps Scholarship 2015

    I applied and this is the second time applying, first cycle was right before I started school and didn't get it then (had a much higher EFC and perhaps less relevant experience). My program is a direct entry BSN to MSN (previous degree in biology) GP...
  10. Nurse Extern Hiring

    Thanks for the responses! I have broadened my radius. Currently I have something in the works with an Adult NP. Although it isn't paid, I am excited for the learning experience. I guess the take home message from this is apply early and apply to EVER...
  11. Nurse Extern Hiring

    Unfortunately that isn't in my program...some of the schools nearby have that option (co-ops). If I had done even more research when applying to schools, I would have considered that more. Do you (or anyone else that reads this) have other types of p...
  12. Nurse Extern Hiring

    Hello I am a rising Senior Nursing Student. I have a previous degree in Biology with a 3.77 GPA, research experience, Anatomy/Chemisty/Biology tutor, 4.0 in all nursing prereqs, and 4.0 in my Nursing program. I have had considerable difficulty gettin...
  13. Jefferson 2013 APW program

    Emdonnelly1205, sorry I haven't been on the forum in awhile. I will be living on campus in the orlowitz residence. Orlowitz and barringer are the two most expensive, Martin is a smarter choice (and in retrospect I would have chosen differently). Howe...
  14. 2013-2014 HRSA Nursing Scholarship Program

    Congratulations to everyone who has received the scholarship! It sounds like it will be an amazing experience! I have been checking my email/status on the hrsa website daily. I called HRSA and spoke with a rep who said having a status of "under revie...
  15. 2013-2014 HRSA Nursing Scholarship Program

    Haven't heard anything. Like everyone else, I am sincerely hoping this works out.