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About SarahRoycroft

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  1. Pregnant in Nursing School

    Thank you all for your replies. I knew it might not be easy to be pregnant while in nursing school! I knew a few people who did it, but they already had kids - so they knew what to expect. We might wait until halfway through the year, so I'd be only...
  2. Pregnant in Nursing School

    Hi Everyone! Since I noticed a lot of folks on this list have kids, I just wanted to know if any of you were or are now pregnant while in nursing school. I am going into my last year of school, but my husband and I really want to start a family soo...
  3. I got accepted into the nursing what?

    These books should be mandatory reading for all nursing students!! I read them last summer (back before school started and I had free time:)). You are right about reading them in order, it makes them much more meaningful. I was sorry that there were...
  4. I got accepted into the nursing what?

    Sorry for the formatting problems in my previous post! Hope it's not too hard to read.
  5. I got accepted into the nursing what?

    Congratulations!! When I first got accepted into nursing school I decided to brush up on basic science. I purchased a high school bio and chemistry review book (very condensed and easy to follow) and read the whole thing. It really helped me get com...
  6. Survey: Why do you want to be a nurse?

    I have wanted to be a nurse ever since I was a kid. I was hospitalized several times for childhood illnesses and remember being happy around the fast pace of a medical setting. When I was seven and had to have an operation, I was so excited that I...