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About RNsophia

RNsophia has 7 years experience.

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  1. New RN - Just Barely Keeping Up

    It gets better. Soon you'll be more confident and things will become second nature. Until then (based on the info you shared on your post), I have some advice. First, after you get report (whether at the bedside or at the station), quickly round on a...
  2. Additional Position?

    For the past year and a half, I've been working at hospital 1.5 hours away (up to 3 hours with traffic). And that's only one-way. Round trip could be about 4 hours on top of my 12 hour night shift. I couldn't do it anymore so I just accepted a positi...
  3. First RN job in SNF

    Yes, you will! After I graduated 2 years ago, like many new grads I couldn't find a hospital position. I got a job on the acute rehab side of a SNF and worked there for 9 mos. It gave me an amazing experience building my skills and particularly time ...
  4. Passing meds already "prepared "??

    Administer only the meds that you prepare. I used to work in a SNF and we had little labeled cups, but we prepped those cups ourselves and signed with our OWN signature in the MARS for each med--not to mention the narcs! Protect your license. You wor...
  5. RN with BSN and feeling stupid

    There might not be a pay difference between ADN's and BSN's, but I am thankful every day that I chose to get get my BSN. Nearly EVERY hospital in my state (Oregon) requires at least a BSN, and those with ADN's that are already employed by hospitals a...