Ana Claudia

Ana Claudia

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About Ana Claudia

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  1. ***Foreign student want to transfer studies to US***

    I am also a Brazilian RN and just got my license here in Florida. Send me an email, I can give you some ideas :-) [email protected]
  2. Passed NCLEX RN!!

    At the TOEFL the part that counts the most is the writing. They will give you a topic and you have to write about it. You have to type fast, the time is limited.. I did lots of practice tests on line, and practiced my speech.. They will give you 2 to...
  3. Passed NCLEX RN!!

    It says: "Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page" i can't..
  4. Passed NCLEX RN!!

    iamIane, if you send me a message, i can help you with a study plan :-)
  5. Passed NCLEX RN!!

    ssushma, i am not sure what do you mean by juri...
  6. Passed NCLEX RN!!

    Thank you guys!
  7. Passed NCLEX RN!!

    I am so excited!! I took the test on 03/29 (before all the scary changes LOL) and just saw my name on the BON website!!! I studied for about 2 months. I was terrified about getting 265 questions, so i took my time on the first 75 and was praying for...
  8. New passing standard for nclex 2013-2016...Great

    Thank you! I took the test on 03/29 and found out today that I passed! First try! 75 questions. I was in a hurry to take the test because i was afraid of all the changes this year...If you have the chance to do Kaplan, they are great! Good luck!!
  9. New passing standard for nclex 2013-2016...Great

    Hi Courtney! I am not sure about the difference, between the 2013 and 2014 but i just took Kaplan and found out i passed the NCLEX-RN TODAY!! Kaplan helped me a lot! I am also an international nurse. They have a "special course" for international nur...
  10. Took NCLEX PN this AM...

    Congrats!!! i will schedule my test soon... so nervous!!!!