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About cjacoby

cjacoby has 2 years experience.

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  1. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2013

    I'm so excited, this is the first real step towards the next chapter in my life and I couldn't be happier about it. I can't wait to get into the lab and start clinicals! I've been doing all the reading recommended to help ease anxiety and make sure...
  2. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2013

    Hey Plant City classmates, check your Blackboard- our class is open & Professor Crews left an announcement. Yay!
  3. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2013

    You may need to since they are actually owned and operated by the same people. I think that Certified Background only includes the things you have to have, because I don't have anything like that on mine.
  4. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2013

    From certified background or the professor?
  5. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2013

    Go into Webadvisor and click on the transcript link, that gives you your cumulative GPA at the bottom
  6. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2013

    Anyone from Plant City? I haven't heard a peep since I got my orientation letter...
  7. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2013

    Hello Everyone- Just wanted to drop a note to say that I called the MedExpress near my home and they have a discount for HCC Nursing students for vaccinations. They will complete the immunization side of the physical form for you as well. Here are t...
  8. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2013

    I've been working in a medical office for a few years now. I have to say that it takes a particular personality to enjoy nursing. There are huge benefits, and huge drawbacks. Your experience will also be incredibly dependent upon what type of nurse...