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  1. thanks so much for all the advice! This is a scenario we were given in class. The pt. is lactose intolerant and 10% below normal weight. I was having a hard time with the outcome, because I know he needs to gain weight, but I don't know how much woul...
  2. well, that's what I'm trying to figure out as well. I don't know if it would be correct to put RN will: reassess client's weight in one month or if I need to put RN will: have client return in one month to have weight reassessed. I guess I'm mainly...
  3. Hi, I'm in the 1st semester of an ADN program and I am very inexperienced, so all of this nursing process stuff is brand new to me. Forgive me if I sound like a complete idiot, but I seriously need some help. I'm working on an intervention and outcom...