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About KylaS

KylaS has 3 years experience.

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  1. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    I'm Kyla Marie on Facebook. There's a rabbit in my profile picture.
  2. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    Do we have a Facebook group?
  3. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    Yeah. Check paid to mcc. Sorry, hard to keep up on my phone. Haha.
  4. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    3.8727 and 90. Yeah, I paid at cashier and went straight to enrollment to ask. Just give them your letter so they can look you up.
  5. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    Yes, just go to enrollment. :) I was 56.
  6. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    I got in! 3.8727 gpa 90 hesi!!!! Going to Macomb right now!
  7. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    I feel like our scores are good enough to get in.,I don't want to be over confident though we'll know in a couple hours though.
  8. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    Oh my goodness. Same here. I've been hoping for August or October start date. I can't wait to start and have new friends. It's like,we're already a community.
  9. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    I have a 3.8727 gpa and 90 on the hesi. I will post as soon as I get it. I might get there before the mailman and freak him out.
  10. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    I get it at about 11am. Seven more hours. I can't wait much longer. I've been dreaming of this day for years. I'm glad you guys are in the same boat. My family and friends do not understand. Can't wait to meet you guys, given that I am even accepted ...
  11. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    I can't sleep. I was sleeping and my anxiety woke me up. I was hoping to sleep through the night and wake up just in time for mail. I actually feel sick. Need that letter now!
  12. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    We should all go get a drink if we get in! Lol
  13. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    I know! I can't even contain my excitement. I've been working extra hours to keep my mind off everything and to make time go by faster.
  14. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    Last year 245 were ranked.
  15. KylaS

    Macomb Community College Nursing 2013

    It's here! I live in Utica. My GPA is higher than expected. ? Says ranking won't begin until April 22. Ugh. I was hoping for the letter that day.