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About Christina0tran

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  1. CSUSB Winter 2013

    can someone pm me the link! thanks :)
  2. CSUSB Winter 2013

    Let us know when you guys get the letters and when the group is created and what it is called!
  3. CSUSB Winter 2013

    Well, I thought that we would get emailed but it turns out that they are sending letters in the mail in the next few days and they will have the date of our orientation on them as well as other information.
  4. CSUSB Winter 2013

    Today is the day we are supposed to be notified right?
  5. Would you become an RN again if you had the choice?

    EXACTLY! Thank you for your comment, very touching and true.
  6. Why nursing hits home.....

    Beautiful, beautiful story. Very inspirational! Good luck to you on your journey! It's good to hear that others have been inspired by the actions of nurses. I myself chose the field of nursing due to the actions of another nurse. Mine is a different,...
  7. CSUSB Winter 2013

    Hey guys! I'm also applying for the winter. I'm hoping I make it into the program! But I was wondering DarkBluePhoenix, if you have any pointers about the nursing program so how it is and any advice for us lol I'm really curious about how ...