nutty netty

nutty netty

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  1. POLL LTC Nurses... please answer

    I would check out the rcw's-wac's for nursing homes, you could get a lot of ideas from those.
  2. LTC and loving it

    that was for pink fish, not me. Am I doing this wrong?
  3. LTC and loving it

    I absolutely agree, it makes me feel really good to hear this and cudos to you for your dedication
  4. LTC and loving it

    Yes I am familiar with the privately owned and the not for profit facilities and how staff is or maybe treated differently, as well as staffing ratios. Unfortunately there doesnt seem to be to many of those out there these days. I am going to go off ...
  5. LTC and loving it

    I entirely agree with you artsmom. I too love the elderly. When speaking of nursing home stigma, it ****** me off to no end that when speaking of LTC to others, whether it be fellow nurses, [who do not work in this field] potential employers and gene...