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About dawnma

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  1. I think we should discuss your Vaccines.....
  2. Foot Care Nurse

    I got that one on the practice test, not the actual test.
  3. Foot Care Nurse

    I passed the CFCN Exam this weekend....Woo Hoo!
  4. To any and all footcare nurse business owners

    I am nurse in Texas and am currently providing Diabetic foot care on an outpt basis. I recently went to Emory University and completed their Diabetic Foot care course and plan to take the CFCN exam in the near future. I have been approached by fami...
  5. Foot Care Nurse

    I am an RN in Texas. I have recently completed a course at Emory University in Atlanta on Foot Care and plan to take the CFCN exam in the near future. I have been providing Foot Care for the Diabetic Population at a large hospital in the outpt sett...