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About SycamoreGuy

SycamoreGuy has 1 years experience.

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  1. The New Grad Job Search

    Even those areas are difficult for new grad ADNs. The market is just too saturated with traditional BSNs and second degree BSNs
  2. PVT?

    Does you're state have online license verification? Some do and they will post your status as soon as 24hrs after your exam. That's better than any unofficial results. Usually free too.
  3. I am a nurse, darn it!

    I've taken both AHA BLS and ARC CPR/AED for the professional rescuer. I couldn't tell a difference. I've worked places where they would accept either.
  4. Everest Colleges

    Perfect example of why not to go to a for-profit school
  5. How hard really is intermediate Care

    I worked in a PCU for a little while, I thought it was a lot less hectic than med-surg. The patients weren't usually that much sicker than the more acute med-surg patients and we only had 3-4 of them sometimes only 2. That's just my experience, I can...
  6. Nurses are Not Doctors

    Along with not being entirely accurate.
  7. surgical tech vs. rn

    The math isn't really that hard. It's all basic arithmetic, you just have to pay real close attention. There is no room for error. Although in the real world the math is pretty much done for you anyway.
  8. Medtech College Indianapolis, IN

    DO NOT attend medtech! They have abysmal NCLEX pass rates and a horrible reputation. Their RN program is barely holding on to BON accreditation and I would not be surprised if they lose it.
  9. Nurses are Not Doctors

    More stupidity... Your response adds nothing substantive to the conversation. A representatives perception of a provider has no correlation to their ability to provide care. As far as I am concerned your inability to provide objective evidence that A...
  10. Nurses are Not Doctors

    27 pages in and what have we learned? Who has changed their mind? You can spout off credentials and anecdotes all you want but as far as I know you are all a bunch of janitors at walmart. I can read peer-reviewed articles and judge their applicabilit...
  11. This can be tricky with mac's sometimes but generally if you do a google search there is a work around. I have never had to use a pc because of compatibility issues. I have had to do some googling and get creative.
  12. Have you been in a classroom in the past 10 years? EVERYONE uses a laptop or iPad / tablet for taking notes. Maybe
  13. I can't say enough about the quality and performance of my 2007 aluminum MacBook (before they were all called pro's) after 7 years the only thing that is starting to show any wear is the battery but even that will still hold a charge for 2+ hours. Su...
  14. If we had a conservative nurses forum

    I don't like to label myself with one ideology or another but my feeling generally align with conservatism and occasionally libertarianism.
  15. Acetylcysteine

    Nope, haven't heard of that. Perhaps it was a protocol at a hospital your nursing faculty worked at.