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About FlorenceNtheMachine

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  1. Applying to CRNA school 2017/2018

    You should be a shoo in, I think. It seems mostly whether or not an individual is okay with parting from a RN salary for 2-3 years and living on student loans. It's not easy for everyone to do or possible depending on life circumstance.
  2. Which hospital is better for admission?

    Which hospital has more experienced nurses to learn from? If you see a plethora of new grads in one ICU vs another, it may be more telling. I would work in the environment where it seems the friendliest and I could spend years there without pulling m...
  3. Worried about previous GPA..

    Just try to get as high as you can on your BSN. You'll be a great addition it seems like :) Good luck and welcome to the nursing profession.
  4. January 2017 Caption Contest Top 8 - Select $100 Winner

    "You said this is a safe place to talk about unions?" "Administration is getting crafty."
  5. Reminds me of this meme!
  6. SRNA Switching Schools

    The school I go to officially says they don't maintain a wait list but I've read where students have been accepted after being rejected d/t open slots. My school is allotted student spaces by the hospital they are affiliated with and count on a speci...
  7. Do my stats seem good enough?

    Your experience seems like will put you towards on the lower side eligible applicants. Your poster presentation is great for the resume. Can you join your local nursing organization? Get your ccrn and maybe a subspecialty if you can swing it $$ wise...
  8. CRNA interview

    I hate weakness/strength questions. Be honest and don't try to spin a strength as a weakness. There's a chance you'll get a no that's not a weakness from someone who isn't feeling it. Everyone has legitimate weaknesses. "I gag when people pop cysts ...
  9. Getting into CRNA school.

    I'd wait until you are submitting an application to send out recommendation forms to your people. Make it super easy for them, fill out all the info on the form you can, stamp it, etc. However, I would secure your recommendations verbally. Usually, t...
  10. Getting into CRNA school.

  11. Getting into CRNA school.

    Make sure you have meaningful references, great GRE (higher than the minimum), and your interview skills should be on point and you'll be a shoe in! Good luck!
  12. Length of ICU experience

    When you are new, you miss a lot of subtle clues. That's just how it is until you get experienced. At a year or less, I missed those changes. And, someone a lot smarter than me said "if you think you didn't miss things and let someone die, you did an...
  13. ICU experience for CRNA school

    Ruby is giving sound advice. Get looootts of experience in a bigger icu. The 8 bed icu seems nice to get your feet wet. If you get into crna school you want to be well prepared for any type of patient they throw at you. I still get butterflies when...
  14. Calling all new grads/new to the ICU starting Feb. 2013!!!!

    Anyone still read the boards from this thread? How are you guys hanging? Still in critical care ?
  15. Immature coworkers!!

    Posts like these can get pretty negative fast. I'll try to be as positive as I can. You feel on the outside, because you are. You are new and feel awkward. I'm very shy initially and really bloom once I get to know my situation. Get to know them, an...