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About lorirn58

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  1. Feeling like you're complicit in the addiction problem...

    Thank you for defending yourself! I read in between the lines, understood, respected, and knew what your meaning was. It is ironic that the ones telling you about judging are judging you. But then, that is our world these days: not reading for compre...
  2. Why are you doing wet-to-dry dressings in your facility? Those are mostly inappropriate...
  3. I am a Certified Wound Ostomy Nurse and do all kinds of "favors" for my fellow colleagues all the time. There is nothing wrong with this and, hey, what else do you go to work for?
  4. Seasoned Nurses Looking To Tattle?

    Not a "bias against" someone, but a head's up....there IS a difference, you know...
  5. Frustrated with angry, demeaning doctors

    1. They have a "hard job" because they chose it. This is called personal responsibility. YOU have a "hard" job just like they do. 2. You do not need a "thicker skin" (what the hell is that anyway?!); they need education in how to be decent people and...
  6. Saw an angry clinical instructor...

    This person is an emotional and verbal abuser/bully. She does not belong in the nursing profession. She needs to be reported to hospital administration. You can also take video of the childish and unprofessional antics and show it to someone. This is...
  7. Pt having a "friend" over for "special nursing care"

    Apples and oranges. Your comment was not logical :/
  8. Medical Assistants being called nurses

    One day you will post something ignorant, ill-conceived, poorly thought through, inflammatory or otherwise reflecting poorly on yourself and you won't want your manager to immediately identify you. Leave some room for doubt! I am not quite sure how...
  9. Scrub the Hub

    Right?! Also, the "dude chill" thing is a big ridiculous. Just be nice and stop admonishing, reminding, and using weird little phrases! We are adults here, not children.
  10. Other Jobs That a Nurse Can Do?

    You can sign up with Summit, Healthy Achievers, Total Wellness, etc, to be a wellness examiner for these companies. It is fun, light, and you get to travel around and meet relatively healthy working people who are cheerful and glad to see you! It is ...
  11. What kind of dressing for this patient...

    Sounds like this patient needs to see a surgeon or go to the nearest outpatient wound care clinic asap. It also sounds like he most likely has some necrotic tissue in those wounds.
  12. Can a LPN delegate to RN?

    Wow. Could you please quote the words or phrase in which you detect "bitterness"? I'm at a loss to discern any such intent Great question, Roser13; I wondered myself how this mere question could be labeled as such...
  13. Can a LPN delegate to RN?

    How are you reading (labeling) that she is "bitter"? She is merely asking a question....
  14. Requiring Bedside Experience for NP

    ".....YOU'RE an expert....." Thank you.
  15. Ostomy nurses are fabulous

    Thank you! Most ostomy nurses seem to really love helping patients who have had a bowel or bladder diversion :) I know I do!