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About Silvestri

Graduated from Bryant University with a bachelors degree. Majored in finance and minored in applied statistics. Worked for a couple of years in the Financial services industry but decided my true passion is indeed helping others.

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  1. Rhode Island College School of Nursing-- BSN Program

    Hi JessMurph,Just got my acceptance letter in the mail today! I'm still not sure if whether or not to take all four nursing classes this semester. They did accept my petition to do so. My one question is what sort of emphasis do they place on the TEA...
  2. Rhode Island College School of Nursing-- BSN Program

    jessmurph, I just logged on to this site again and saw your response for the first time. I tried to direst message you but this site won't allow me to yet. BTW thanks for the vote of confidence. A quick question for you...I petitioned to take all ...
  3. Rhode Island College School of Nursing-- BSN Program

    hi everyone! I am new to this forum and had a few questions regarding acceptance into the BSN nursing program at RIC. I am a second degree candidate...i know i know that's already a strike against me. However, I have a 3.71 overall GPA and a 4.00 in ...