Cold Stethoscope

Cold Stethoscope

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  1. Volunteer turn teams?

    What would you propose someone do if they're injured by a volunteer who doesn't have the training to safely turn patients? Just suck it up?
  2. Obamacare and Nursing.. what do you think?

    Everyone seems to think that they're millionaires, and will be affected by estate taxes. Americans are nothing if not wishful thinkers. Estate Tax and the Founding Fathers (Economist, Lexington's Notebook, 2010)
  3. Energy drinks and teens coming to ER with chest pain

    If the company is marketing to kids, they should be held liable. The cigarette companies were held liable for doing that. Food and drug regulation in this country is spread over several government agencies. It's incoherent, and therefore, regulation ...
  4. Energy drinks and teens coming to ER with chest pain

    That regime is highly recommended for all students who would like to succeed, while minimizing cardiovascular risk.
  5. Energy drinks and teens coming to ER with chest pain

    Alcohol + stimulants is a very dangerous combination, which is why Four Loko and other similar drinks in their original formulation were banned in the U.S. They were being marketed to young people, and were very popular on college campuses, and their...
  6. Nurses Calling Patients "Jerks"

    Uh-oh. :) I have no statistics, but I think that, in general, people are less apt to bully a man than a woman in most cultures.
  7. Study the ATI book carefully. Regarding the science part, review mitosis and meiosis. Brush up on chemistry — make sure you understand the periodic table and bond types. Try to get a reasonable amount of sleep in the days before the test. I didn't do...
  8. There is virtually no way you won't be accepted into both tracks with that GPA (I assume that's your science pre-req GPA) and that TEAS-V score. They are both very good. There is not much room for "meant to be" in MDC's ADN admissions. It's a matte...
  9. All of a sudden an ASN is no good anymore

    So I think you're saying that, for a highly experienced nurse, a BSN offers virtually nothing over an ADN regarding one's practice, but someone with no experience might derive some benefits from the extra courses (and at least in some cases, more hou...
  10. So your boss/manager tells you...

    * * * * It seems pretty clear that you're stating that states don't license facilities. How else could that be interpreted? ScottE corrected your statement. He was right. You meant to say, The state give you your nursing license; the facility d...
  11. All of a sudden an ASN is no good anymore

    The contradiction is between "I agree that the new standard should be entry BSN," and, "I recommend that you get a BSN at the start of your career because it will facilitate your job search, even though a BSN adds no real value to your practice."
  12. The New Face of Healthcare

    If Medicare is starved of funding, it will "crash." If it's not, then it won't.
  13. All of a sudden an ASN is no good anymore

    I sense a contradiction. Whether a BSN is justified or not, I think very few nurses at any level of education think that experienced ADNs should lose their jobs for lack of a BSN. The MBAs who make the staffing decisions are the ones who need to hear...
  14. Need advice- Shingles?

    You seem to think that all your tax money goes to health insurance. It's simply not true. At the end of the day, what matters is how much it costs in total, and the quality of the service (i.e., the value). You don't like paying for the Canadian soci...
  15. "Organ donor" on driver's license

    This is generally not true, for the reasons RNsRWe points out. The deceased is not able to defend his wishes, and there's little risk of litigation in following the wishes of the family.