

Assisted Living

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About musicpirate

musicpirate specializes in Assisted Living.

Worked for GoDaddy for sometime... but then quit work to go to a 3 year accelerated BSN program through Chamberlain College of Nursing. Im engaged and have a diabetic/mostly blind Chiuhauha/Pug named Floyd thats the love of my life.

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  1. Health Assessment has got me depressed.

    Yes I do.... I feel ya. I'm barely above waterr with a 78% in Assess, 77.7% in Funds.... And I missed the 2nd quiz in Patho due to miss communication and despite begging em and offering them a 10 page paper they wouldn't let me make it up. So depite...
  2. Health Assessment has got me depressed.

    If you go to chance.
  3. Newly admitted student with questions.... :-)

    First off you dont need to wear the uniform until you are in the 2nd year of school. So no need to get information on that. Orientation is just going to explain about wearing your badge, school parking passes and student services etc etc. you will a...
  4. Should I go to Nursing School?

    First off- you most likely wont get accepted in PA school because you only come from a Biology degree... its not like you have a healthcare background (not to mention i heard everyone and their mom is going to be a PA lately). Everyone wants "experi...
  5. People really do ask you for medical advice! Wow...

    I notice that I get it alot when I have my scrubs on too!!!
  6. Nursing School Interview Questions

    All the basic stuff... why do you want to be a nurse? Why did you choose this school to go to? One thing that I will say for overall advice... being a nurse is more than just knowing lots of medical terms/conditions etc. Its a passion - and thats s...
  7. Nursing School with a Disability

    The school HAS to assist you with your ADA needs - but in regards to future workplace I dont know how detailed it gets. I too have a similar fear when it comes to school and work working with me and my needs. I have fibromyalgia and neuropathy and Im...