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  1. Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2015

  2. Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2015

    Hey bloodorange, where did you hear no sneakers?
  3. Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2015

    Hey everyone! Congrats to all who were accepted, I can't wait to meet you and start the program! I just have a quick question. Is anyone completing any classes this spring? I noticed on the admissions letter that all official documentation needs to ...
  4. Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2015

    Hey Ash6117 I never heard this, I was quoting someone else who said this is what they heard :) I agree with you, find it hard to believe as well. Good luck to you!
  5. Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2015

    I submitted my materials by the end of September but I was waiting on one of my reccomenders to get my letter in. He didn't submit it until Oct. 16 and I know they won't review your application until after everything is already submitted. Don't stres...
  6. Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2015

    Tbellx12, where did you hear this? Has Stony Brook ever interviewed before? Makes me feel a little better..
  7. Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2015

    Hello I recently applied to the accelerated program and my recommendation letters were submitted by the 16th...a little late but still on time. I haven't gotten a call for an interview and was naturally a little nervous until I saw this post and real...
  8. Thanks again!
  9. Thank you both for all of the advice and information you have offered me. I really appreciate it! Yes, I am already scheduled to take some prerequisites in the fall. Which I guess brings me to another question. I noticed many of the accelerated progr...
  10. Hi Everyone, I'm new to the site so forgive me if this is a repeat topic. I have a B.A. in Mass Communications/English and I'm looking to go back to school to obtain a BSN. I do have some volunteer experience and I'm certain this is something I'd lik...