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About jessdixie81

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  1. An easy way to remember Anatomy??

    For my anatomy class i read each chapter aloud and recorded in 3-4 min intervals, then listened to each recording numerous times before moving on to the next. It's great to listen to while you drive, cook, clean, pretty much anywhere. I even did one ...
  2. Students attending (or attended) SMCC??

    Lucky! I was also on the wait list for SMCC fall 2013, when i got called to go early, it was for spring of 2013. I live 5 miles from YCCC, so in order to not wait a year and a half extra, I am willing to commute. Also very exited! I have been a CNA s...
  3. Moving to Bangor

    I used to live in Bangor and the surrounding for most of my life, the pay is bad, there may be an affordable place to live, but expect drunk and drugged out neighbors. I have lived in many areas of Maine, and have to say, Bangor is one of the most sc...
  4. Foot rub?

    My husband works at a hospital and gives foot massages, he picks his people by how he knows them our if they genuinely needs it. If they are in the massage chair, he gloves up and tells them a nice anecdote of how he used to rub his mothers feet. Som...
  5. Im curious and want to see absolute honesty

    I have been a CNA since 2003, and am currently on the wait list for my clinical portion of my RN, my pre nursing classes are finished. I feel being a CNA first before becoming a nurse it's very important, I am a CNA because i know i can make a differ...
  6. You can search state specific and specialty specific jobs online. It's a federal website. ,bureau of labor statistics Be careful though of clinical hours you need to be a nurse in Maine, they are higher here than a lot if other pla...
  7. Anxiety and doubts at its peak . . . any advice?

    The law of attraction... Put good things out there, good will come back. I personally don't believe you should seek medications, relying on chemical means to"fix what is wrong" is no way to live you're life. You have to believe in yourself, of you kn...