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About Cb1254

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  1. UTHSCSA-Summer 2013 Accelerated

    I'm having trouble. It's not recognizing the temp pw and now it has locked me out. I'm about to call the help desk.
  2. UTHSCSA-Summer 2013 Accelerated

    Just wanted to let everyone know that I just received my badge # and email account information this morning. My last name starts with B. Hopefully everyone should be getting theirs soon if you haven't received it yet!
  3. UTHSCSA-Summer 2013 Accelerated

    Oh I haven't received that email with the info about setting up our email or the online trainings either. I was just talking about getting an email confirming that she received the deposit. I'm hoping we will be getting the other email sometime this ...
  4. UTHSCSA-Summer 2013 Accelerated

    I received a confirmation email a couple of days after I sent in my seat deposit. Did you drop it off or mail it?
  5. UTHSCSA-Summer 2013 Accelerated

    I got that email too! I'm so excited!
  6. UTHSCSA-Summer 2013 Accelerated

    I am also applying to the program for the first time. I'm just patiently waiting to hear something like everyone else.