

Critical Care

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About jamisaurus

jamisaurus has 1 years experience and specializes in Critical Care.

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  1. OK to piggyback IV potassium?

    In the ICU, we give 20 mEq over 1 hr diluted in NS. So a 40 mEq k rider goes in over 2 hrs, never faster. Agreed with above poster, dangerous!
  2. What is the easiest CRRT machine to use?

    We monitor continuously in leads III&V. If prisma in running, sometimes it messes up one of the leads so bad (usually V) and creates so much interference that you can't distinguish ST segment measurements or even QRS complexes. We've tried changi...
  3. What is the easiest CRRT machine to use?

    Question for the PrismaFlex users: when you're running it, have you noticed it creates so much interference on your continuous cardiac monitors that's it's impossible to read one or two leads?
  4. If the patient is NPO, what might happen to their blood sugar? Is their potassium within normal limits?
  5. How long after graduation did you take the NCLEX?

    ASAP. Took me a month to get my ATT, And that was during slow season.
  6. honeymoon during orientation

    If you know the managers already, like you work as a PCA, they would probably be lenient. Or you could push back your start date to after the honeymoon. I was in the same situation as you, we got married last June and I'm just now taking my "laterm...
  7. Associates first or BSN?

    The associates degree in non-nursing is a waste of time. Cut your losses now and start a BSN program, you need a BSN for a MSN.
  8. Peceptorship in Heart cath lab

    It's very difficult to get a job in the cath lab, at least in my location. Everyone wants their schedule! Ours requires 1+ years of ICU experience, or 2+ years of med/surg. In my opinion, it's very specialized and you won't get the chance to expand y...
  9. Shorter length scrub tops

    I only wear Greys Anatomy tops. I've come to accept that it's the only fit for short, busty gals like me. 😩
  10. Apple IWatch and nursing

    I also have the cheapest model. Many people I work with have the watch. If I'm getting down and dirty, I tuck my gloves around it and double glove so its projected. I also like setting alarms for lab redraws, restarting tube feeding, etc. washing han...
  11. Talk about setting yourself up for failure as a new grad!
  12. Apply to ASBN or MSN program

    Do you want to become an NP? you can apply for direct entry MSN programs but in my area these grads have a hard time getting hired. They don't want to hire an NP who has never cared for a patient as an RN! I have a similar undergrad story as you. (B...
  13. What is the easiest CRRT machine to use?

    We have PrismaFlex. It's amazing and pretty much runs itself once set up.
  14. In need of some pearls of wisdom

    You will learn more as your program progresses. A lot of nursing school is assessments and helping clean up patients. Incontinence also depends on which area you are in. You will learn the most when you start working, but bedside nursing involves cle...
  15. Mount Carmel SDAP Spring 2016

    I was #8 on wait list. Got accepted in November. Classes started in Jan.