

Midwifery/Women's Health

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About kdiem

kdiem specializes in Midwifery/Women's Health.

Master's student at UCSF School of Nursing

Latest Activity

  1. UCSF MEPN 2016

    Hello all! I'm a second year midwifery student. Was informed there are 63 CNM applicants for 10 positions and 98 FNP applicants for 18 positions. This may change of course, but those are some ballpark numbers! Good luck to everyone :)
  2. 2014 UCSF MEPN Applicants

    Hi MB2014 -I'd love to talk. Just PM me and we can set up a time! :)
  3. 2014 UCSF MEPN Applicants

    meangreenbean - what is your specialty? That might play an important in deciding which program has a stronger master's specialty for you.
  4. 2014 UCSF MEPN Applicants

    ToFNPandBeyond, To be honest, I'm not sure what portion they weigh more. But I get the sense they truly look at your whole application as a whole. UCSF does not offer tons of interviews, so getting past that initial step is huge! Then I'm sure if you...
  5. 2014 UCSF MEPN Applicants

    Hi Mentalhealthadvocate! I'm in the midwifery/women's health NP specialty. You can personal message me if you have specific questions. I'll be happy to respond.
  6. 2014 UCSF MEPN Applicants

    I heard from UCSF in the morning around 9am. But I'm sure that all depends on whenever they update the application portal. A big good luck to all! UCSF is worth the wait :)
  7. 2014 UCSF MEPN Applicants

    No problem! I was a mess last year waiting for admissions results. It'll all be worth it in a few days :)
  8. 2014 UCSF MEPN Applicants

    I'm a current MEPN too, so this is a credible source
  9. 2014 UCSF MEPN Applicants

    Just a heads up! I heard from one of the professors on the admission committee that they are meeting to make decisions tomorrow. Which means you can hear as early as Friday! Good luck everyone :)
  10. 2014 UCSF MEPN Applicants

    Good luck on interview invites! I received my notification via snail mail around the first-second week of December. UCSF usually sends out few interview invites, meaning your chances of getting in are high (around 50% I think).
  11. 2014 UCSF MEPN Applicants

    Hello all! I'm a current MEPN student (midwifery/women's health NP route) and was in your shoes last year. On the topic of clinical experience, it is definitely important to have. Although it is not required, it will help strengthen your personal sta...
  12. Vanderbilt Pre-Specialty (for non-RNs) MSN 2013

    Was also accepted off the waitlist for midwifery via phone call around 2:30pm PST. Unfortunately will be declining this acceptance.
  13. 2013 UCSF MEPN Applicants

    Seahorse, I hope they notify you asap! :)
  14. 2014 Direct Entry MSN Applicants/Survivors

    Legal nurse -- do you now of any doula programs in your area? I think if you're interested in being a midwife, having the doula experience will put you on top. I volunteered as a labor coach -- very similar to a doula and was able to really confirm m...
  15. I emailed financial aid today and they said "in the month of April."