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About Szasz_is_Right

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  1. I am going to guess that this depends on the school. When I returned for my RN-BSN program, we were definitely groomed to think that BSNs were better. We were told from day one that we were transitioning from “task oriented” nurses to “PROFESSIONAL” ...
  2. if you could do it over again....

    It isn't just you.
  3. "That guy" had a legitimate point.
  4. ADN's being pushed out

    Only those who worked during this time can truly appreciate the difference.
  5. Two Semesters of *****!

    Esme, you are so correct. I work with a woman who has been a nurse for 39 yrs. She isa diploma grad. She has a world of patience, is an excellent resource person,a great charge nurse and just a fantastic nurse. I love working with her.However, she is...
  6. Love this!
  7. Nurses fired for refusing flu vaccine

    From pg. 13 of your first link: Thimerosal, a mercury derivative, is not used in the manufacturing process for the single dose presentations; therefore these products contain no preservative. The multi-dose presentation contains thimerosal, added as ...
  8. Forced wearing of nursing cap.

    Or devolved.
  9. Forced wearing of nursing cap.

    IMO, this is when nurses actually looked professional.
  10. Black - The New White For Nurses?

    I like all white. I think that when nurses wore the traditional white uniforms, they looked very professional.
  11. I think I want out, end semester 1

    Guess who is doing the research?
  12. I think I want out, end semester 1

  13. Actually, we are a REPUBLIC not a democracy.
  14. What do you think about nurses and PA's being called "Doctor"?

  15. Healthcare is NOT a basic human right.

    Apparently not from a historical revisionist.