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About jeepguy099

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  1. Narcan with negative tox screen

    Sounds like they were just questioning overdose and wanted to see if it made a difference, sometimes a patient "appears" to respond to a first dose of narcan so they try another dose. Is it possible they gave the narcan prior to receiving the Utox r...
  2. San Joaquin Delta College Fall 2012

    Not buying Crocs anymore... LOL
  3. San Joaquin Delta College Fall 2012

    Not the department, but a current student said her clinical mates are wearing them.
  4. San Joaquin Delta College Fall 2012

    I'll be getting myself some croc bistro's, I double checked and they should be fine so long as the rear strap is utilized!
  5. San Joaquin Delta College Fall 2012

    @nmont320, Nice to see another ems provider in the program, I'm an EMT in Escalon. I would be real interested in a facebook group, perfect for study groups and getting questions answered right away. Anyone doing the campus tour after orientation?