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About Madison1379

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  1. I feel like giving up.

    I absolutely feel your pain because I was in a similar situation
  2. Puerto Rico school feedback - thread #2

    Can anyone tell me more about Puerto Rico like,was there a waiting list, what were the requirements
  3. A backup plan

    Thank you all for your advice! I choose Psych because I really loved it, but I didnt know what kind of job I could get with it but I have done some reading and I could work at a Veterans hospital or something similar to that because they are always...
  4. How to become a RN with a BS in Biology?

    You can always CLEP out of the Prereqs for nursing. I am sure 90% are issued by CLEP
  5. A backup plan

    My school( Unversity of West Georgia) minimum is 2.97, however, the lowest score they accepted was a 3. 4 last term. Also, my school does not accept the TEAS exam. Thank you for your advice!!!!:)
  6. A backup plan

    I am second guessing if I can make it into the nursing program because of my low GPA(3.0) and if I should persue my back up plan of psychology. I really want to be a nurse but I dont know if I will get in anywhere in georgia. Any advice?