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About squidbillies

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  1. Christian International School of Healthcare Professions

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm almost positive it is Regional accreditation that you want, not National.
  2. Herzing University (BSN)-Orlando, FL

    From a recent graduate of the program, I suggest expanding your search if you would like an honest program with honest staff. I do wish you all luck.
  3. Becoming a Nurse Educator

    I think you could fudge your way into a job, although you might need to start out by teaching something really basic, like "the role of the healthcare professional" at an online school or something (not that that class isn't intense and purposeful). ...
  4. THANK YOU, to the staff, mods, and admins....

    Websites that are based on forums are only as good as their moderators. I'm proud to call this site my nursing home. It has taught me more than anyone can ever know. I appreciate you and my heart hurts for you all. Hugs.
  5. I am looking into an LPN to RN program

    There's a Galen in Louisville, KY. Not sure where you are in TN.
  6. experience as LPN help you as aRN?

    I have an example for LPN experience being helpful and an example for it not being helpful- I do not have an example for it being a detriment :) 1- From what I understand, the VA system does not place you at a higher GSN for your LPN experience. 2- S...
  7. I negotiated and i still got the job.

    Good job! That is a sticky situation and can be quite uncomfortable. I admire your courage and enthusiasm- you deserve that pay! Good luck in all you do and congrats.
  8. Failed A Course...

    Did not read all responses. Of course. So many people fail. Many or most of them go back and finish. I personally know at least ten. Of course. This is where you will gain a good majority of your skills. They don't just hand out the precepto...
  9. Nursing Jobs

    It has been my experience that jobs are aplenty. Sure, this is very likely not the case in all places.. but if I want to definitely get a job (particularly a specific specialty) then I wouldn't be doing my job search in, say, Los Angeles. OP in you...
  10. AECP

    And sorry to hijack, but a question some folks may be able to answer. If for some reason I'm not accepted into the AECP, my plan would be to carry on and get my BSN on my own. Would I then be able to do green to gold and commission with AMEDD, goin...
  11. AECP

    Hi, I wanted to put my two cents in this thread. I am an LPN and graduate with my ASN RN in October. I'm currently in the reserves, but am wanting to go active as a nurse. I'm starting the process of putting together a packet for AECP. I asked my PO...
  12. Traditional or online

    In response to a post of page two of this discussion, LPN new grads are hired on the regular on almost every floor of my two local hospitals.
  13. Rasmussen Ocala

    If you can't relocate, your options are literally three: cf, rasmussen, or Taylor. Taylor has a craptastic reputation, so I'd nix it. I would apply for both cf and rasmussen. I would expect that cf will not take you immediately, as you may not have a...
  14. I am looking into an LPN to RN program

    Idk where you are in florida, but herzing orlando has a bridge program that takes 10 months to complete if you have no prereqs to do, 18 months if you have to do them all. Most prereqs are online. They have an evening program.
  15. Galen St.Pete/Tampa July 2014 Role Call

    I'm waiting on a call back from them. What did they tell you the schedule would be like for an average week? Hope to see you there!