

Med-Surg Telemetry

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About CuteNurseUnl

CuteNurseUnl has 3 years experience and specializes in Med-Surg Telemetry.

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  1. Night Shift and My Muffin Top

    Hi everyone! I currently work night shift which I love. However it is taking a real toll on my weight. I've gained weight since working this shift and it's been so difficult to take it off. Here is my eating pattern: My shift ends at 8:00am. I come ...
  2. Do you have a set schedule?

    I work night shift only (and loving it). My unit posts a mock schedule about two months in advance and we set down our schedules the way we want it. Then our nurse manager tries to work out the schedules as closely to what we requested. It works out ...
  3. are there nurses who ACTUALLY care ?

    Aw.....*hugs* I'm starting to feel bad that everyone's ganging up on you!
  4. Happiness vs more money

    Nah, keep the job you love and enjoy it! My parents paid my way through community college and just like all the other posters have said, I didn't value it very much. I dropped classes often and it is a wonder how I even graduated with an associates (...
  5. Why is staff turnover considered bad?

    I agree with this. One of the two hospitals I externed at had a high turnover rate: Training was almost non-existent and you're just a body to cover shifts. It just also seems like no one cares to excel and that it's just all a paycheck to them. More...
  6. Got My Dream Job!

    Congratulations! We should all be so fortunate! Happy is way better than more $!
  7. What and How Much Can You Tell to Patient's Family?

    Thank you so much everyone! My unit doesn't have any formal protocols and these are all good ideas that I'm going to try to have implemented. What I've learned so far: 1) set up a type of password/code or pin number upon admission, 2) as well as a li...
  8. Once in a while, I would get a phone call presumably from a wife or son/daughter or even a friend (if the patient doesn't have anyone else) asking about the patient, sometimes asking about specific things. I'm always vague, but I would really like to...
  9. Exhaustion bloopers

    I work on night shift and when I have some down time, I read posts on allnurses. I hadn't expected the original post to be so funny, but I laughed right out loud in the middle of the quiet hall when I got to the part, "OK, great, see you soon, LOVE Y...
  10. So glad to find

    I found this site AFTER I graduated and started working. I wish I found it before I even had to do pre-reqs when preparing to get into nursing school. This site is SOOO helpful! Working in my current hospital wasn't all that easy when I first started...
  11. Ethical/Personal Dilemma - What would you do?

    I totally agree with this. I read a post from a few months back of a nurse being fired because one of her coworkers talked about a patient of theirs on her facebook page. Even though the nurse wasn't the one who posted this, she was fired because she...
  12. Poll to " former" new grads. How did you land that 1st job?

    Worked an externship for a very large hospital system for my whole senior year. Didn't stay with the particular hospital but was able to get a position with another one within the system because of that externship.
  13. does anyone regret this career?

    *Hugs!* :hug: How about if you try looking for a hospital with lower patient to nurse ratio and going to night shift when it's less crazy (but also has it's own brand of stress)? This is the situation in which I find myself. So far I love the work it...
  14. does anyone regret this career?

    Hi clbrown - would it be possible for you to do per diem in other fields that might increase your opportunity to break into your chosen fields? Glad to know you aren't giving up!
  15. Finally...I got the job!

    Congratulations! :w00t: I'm so happy for you and your Mom!!!