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About Julesmama28

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  1. How long did you stay at your first job?

    11 months.
  2. Who here has participated in the VALOR Program?

    I did it. It's a good program and an amazing way to ease into nursing. I was taught by some great preceptors and had some really great hands on experiences. I was treated like a nurse, it was awesome. The pay doesn't hurt either. Downsides? Not great...
  3. Nitrous Oxide

    We are opening a new unit and are super stoked to have it available to our laboring moms. We haven't started yet, so I'll have to let you know how it goes!
  4. I've had 6 miscarriages. Every one was awful. I'm so sorry for your loss. I found message boards very helpful, lots of women going through the same kinds of things. Take care of yourself physically and take time to grieve emotionally. It takes more t...
  5. Advice for Last Semester Nursing School

    Wow! She's almost there! One day at a time, she'll be done before she knows it. Hang in there, it'll be worth it in the end!
  6. My Burnout Story

    I lasted a year in ICU. I'm working L &D now, hoping to heck that I'm not too jaded to still be a good nurse. I loved trauma/Icu, I hated the dying, especially the long, drawn out deaths. My last one was the day before I quit. It still haunts m...
  7. Inserting an NG tube post arrest

    Why not use an OG? That's what we do with intubated patients.
  8. Scanning in the supply room

    Our expensive items are usually in the Omnicell, and therefore the patient gets charged when we pull it out under their name.
  9. Starting ICU in less than a month

    Learn about dka too, it's a big one we see. Learn the drugs, learn the vents, working with og/ng tubes, full assessments...
  10. Night shift advice

    I did my senior capstone at night too. I only had one day of class a week so it wasn't too hard to work around that with my preceptors schedule. I did 12 shifts with her. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
  11. Reinfusing gastric residuals

    We check q4 hours and reinfuse anything under 500 ml. Seems like a ton but really isn't. If it's greater than 500 then we usually stop feeds for a while and check to ensure they don't have other reasons for not digesting.
  12. How much did you really use your textbooks?

    I didn't buy them or bought used, old editions. Never had a problem and saved a ton of money! Talk to some upper class men. My professors used their own power points and as long as I showed up and took good notes or printed the power points I was gol...
  13. too old?

    I graduated a year ago at 36.5. I agree! Go for it.
  14. When can you start applying?

    If you have a connection somewhere, like where you did your senior specialty- I would reach out to the manager. Let them know you graduated and when you'll take the nclex. That's how I got my first job.
  15. 2016 Salary thread

    Western Colorado Large hospital ICU 1 year exp. plus $25.39/hr 4$ night, 2$ weekend diff COL seems a bit high here too, we own a 1900 sq ft home and pay 1500 a month mortgage. Rent is at least 6-700 a month and up.