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About cincinursemary

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  1. NRSE 4600 ICProject

    almost ready to say good bye, but not yet... coming in December.
  2. NRSE 4600 ICProject

    I just submitted my annotated bib assignment. I am done with Nursing classes! Wheew........... now wait for grades. Still have to finish Penrod's business comm. done in December. It can't come fast enough.
  3. NRSE 4600 ICProject

    week 5, Uggh... the paper is supposed to be 5 pages ( in addition to title page, abstract and reference page). Mine is more like 11 pages. Do we really have to keep it to 5 pages?
  4. OU RN-BSN: using old book editions

    I Google the Ibsn number and see what comes up. One time I found one of my nursing books listed from Good Will in Michigan. Cost me all of $25.00. But I usually buy from Amazon or Alibris.
  5. Anyone in Chemistry at Clovis this semester?

    Finished exam in about an hour and a half. It was easier than I had expected. Got a 92. For anyone considering taking this class, I recommend it.
  6. Anyone in Chemistry at Clovis this semester?

    Not really. I'm practicing them all the time. I especially have a problem with anything hat has H2O in it. I had a tutor, my son's best friend growing up, he told me I had the basics down, but to just pay attention to what is asked, and write out the...
  7. Graduation Role Call Spring 2014

    YES! YES! YES! Awesome.
  8. Pete 2000

    I have no experience so can't help there. Is it a Cultural class or a writing class?
  9. RN-BSN Program at OU

    I'm getting close to being done. I had to take a boat load of classes, I'm an older nurse so a lot of my credits from my diploma program didn't transfer over. I will have taken 21 classes when I am done. I like the 5 week format. I like that the nur...
  10. Pete 2000

    What is Pete 2000? Never heard of it.
  11. 4600 Starting 3/26

    Congrats to everyone who is completed and ready for graduation. It is a lot of blood sweat and sometimes tears. No one who hasn't done it can understand. You made it to the finish line. Woohoo and 3 cheers, or should that be ... three cheers (to be ...
  12. 4600 Starting 3/26

    If I could... I'd give you a ( HUG) and a celebratory beer.
  13. STATS Psy 1110 at OU

    When I took the class, I had an awesome professor and TA. I worked and worked on the problems. When I got stuck, I emailed the prof the problem, showed her what I was doing and she would point out to me where I was making my mistakes. Don't be afraid...
  14. Music

    I'm taking it this summer too. I have to get it in before fall to stay on course for completing this darn degree. I can't advise you, but wow a three week vacay sounds so great. I'll be lucky to get one week in. I will be interested to see what oth...
  15. Anyone in Chemistry at Clovis this semester?

    Oh Boy, Am I struggling with the formula balancing and figuring out the formula from the name or the name from the formula! Anyone have any tips or tricks?