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About EmTheNewRN

EmTheNewRN has 2 years experience.

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  1. Things that gross you out..

    I had to laugh at the sudden image of supervillain Emesis the Nemesis... I was going to say "not much grosses me out" (I'm the kid who loved staring at the human slices in the Museum of Science and Industry and grew up watching veterinary medicine of...
  2. Not even a word of English

    I see the political side (If you come here legally and contribute to the economy, welcome to the U.S.! I do believe if you're mentally capable you should the effort to learn functional English, and that its unfair to increase the cost of healthcare b...
  3. New Grad and starting first job in LTC-Tips for a good start

    As someone who is in a not-the-greatest first nursing job in LTC, I don't have a lot to offer, but perhaps a little. First and foremost, take any constructive advice to heart, regardless of whether the nurse giving it says it nicely or not. Be assert...
  4. Shocked by new grads at job fair

    None of us had licensure handed to us by technology, we earned it by learning & testing, same as nurses before the advent of the mobile phone. As far as I'm concerned, being showered and wearing clean clothes was enough for class. But as a recent...
  5. How To Answer The Most Common Nursing Interview Questions

    I care about each patient as a person, which is a valuable trait in nursing; however, it is important not to be consumed by it. I am working on learning to maintain a healthy work-life balance because "taking them home with me" doesn't help anyone. T...
  6. am i really ready for the nclex

    Have you used any other company's practice exams? Do you notice a trend in what you are getting wrong? Are you taking the practice exams too frequently and fatiguing yourself? Look at what you got wrong and the rationale for the answer. If you are mi...
  7. Med Pass

    My facility (I'm in orientation) has a unit that dispenses the little baggies. There are no more than 3 meds per bag and each comes with the med name, strength, # of pills, and the med's physical description. It is very simple to identify & withh...
  8. 5th Nursing Caption Contest - Win $100

    "I told you nurses enjoy the poking, prodding, & probing way too much!"
  9. My college provided access to an interview prep site that said questions like those aren't about whether your answer is accurate, they're designed to show the interviewer how you think. If you come up with a viable way to calculate the answer, you su...
  10. whos hiring?

    trinity hospitals in minot, nd. finding housing in the area would be extremely difficult (nearly impossible with pets) and there are definitely drawbacks to the hospital, but it's work. there are discussions about the place here and a ton on city-dat...
  11. Found on the wall

    CapeCodMermaid, I wish there were a "Love" button.
  12. suspended :(

    The fact that you are upset over the situation is great: it means you care, that you take the responsibilities of the job seriously. I'd be more worried about someone who only said "Yeah whatever, I'm human, it's ok." Which is mostly true! As long as...
  13. Abolishing the Pinning Ceremony

    I felt like walking at commencement (which I did for family) was impersonal and a little ridiculous, since I only had the option of attending commencement in May when I still had summer classes to attend. No one skipped commencement due to pinning - ...
  14. Bit of a Dilemma

    Talk to your nursing staff and get a few more details. Will they still let you start an RN program from scratch after you've got your LPN? How competitive are admissions to the transition program? My school's transition program was very small, and ba...
  15. Stretching the truth...

    I don't know any reason why honestly documented experience of any kind shouldn't be included on a resume. As a new grad with work experience but no nursing experience, I got all kinds of conflicting advice on resume content (including to list my spec...