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About newnurse2005

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  1. VA/Govt Nurse Satisfaction

    My physical was no problem at all. Blood, drug, and TB tests were about it for me. Also, a basic eye exam and hearing test. They asked for a detailed health history, but I didn't think it was a big deal. I think it all depends on the healthcare p...
  2. VA/Govt Nurse Satisfaction

    You should definitely call the HR/nurse recruiter at the location you're interested working at. That's how I found out there were new grad RN openings - which are STILL not posted online. I'm sure that the pay is probably better than at your commun...
  3. VA/Govt Nurse Satisfaction

    Thanks. I'm just hoping to hear about what's NOT on the website or what would be told to me by HR. I'll probably go to the cafeteria and speak candidly with the nurses there so I get a better feel for it. As of right now, I've heard wonderful thin...
  4. VA/Govt Nurse Satisfaction

    Hi, Does anyone have any experience with, or heard about, the Boston VA system: particularly the West Roxbury, MA acute care facility (nurse-pt. ratios, mgmt., overall morale and shape it's in?)? Hope to hear from you! Thanks in advance!
  5. Curry College Accel

    Yeah! Congrats to you! I'm in the program now, and will graduate on May 15th! It's a wild ride, but just hang in there and you'll be fine! If I can be of any help to you along the way, just let me know! I'm very happy for you!
  6. Pregnant and Accelerated Second Degree BSN

    I'm in an accelerated program right now (2nd degree). We have a student who gave birth right in the middle of the program. Get this: it's her third child: all are under age three!!!! She's really energetic and very, very intelligent. She's doing ...
  7. Share your feedback re: ethical nursing issues

    Has anyone ever had to deal with an RN coworker who was using drugs? I couldn't imagine! I'd love to hear about more examples, if anyone else can share?!!
  8. Have you tried a "nurse refresher" program? Because of the nursing shortage, many schools have implemented these programs to get people back into the nursing profession. I think you would feel more confident by going through a program like this, an...
  9. Hi! I will graduate from nursing school in May and would like to hear about ethical issues that practicing nurses (or even students in clinical) have experienced, and how you handled the situation. I think this would be a very informative discussion...