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About EmarosaNYC

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  1. LaGuardia Community College (LAGCC) Nursing Program

    Yeah i got in :)
  2. LaGuardia Community College (LAGCC) Nursing Program

    I knew people from Spring 2016 that got in with 3.5GPAs. Should i think youre good
  3. Lagcc LPN program

    1. SCB 2.MAT 106 (Medical dosage) 3. SSY 4. ENGLISH You need to pick up your response letter on July 13th
  4. LaGuardia Community College (LAGCC) Nursing Program

    I have to pick up my letter a month from now. Im so nervous
  5. LaGuardia Community College (LAGCC) Nursing Program

    Is a 3.2 GPA good enough to be accepted into the LPN program?
  6. LaGuardia Community College (LAGCC) Nursing Program

    A in medical dosage B in scb 203 B in general psychology B+ in English 101 Passed the Teas with a 65 What are my chances of getting into the LPN program?
  7. Guys are boring

    The heat are going to win the championship ring this year
  8. "Over studying"

    I think it's possible. I went a whole month in where i would study around 25-30 hours a week ( not even counting breaks which would then add to around 40 hours). After that month the next 3 months hard since my mind just couldn't handle it and i star...
  9. My Possible Prerequisites...

    You probably wouldn't even be able to comprehend anything that's on the nursing books. Try reading your biology books since you'll learn more from your books than the actually lesson itself.
  10. ....no it was just luck. Anyways good job on your being at the right time and clicking on the mouse to get your class
  11. Any males out there tired of the drama?

    You know damn well girls do this more than guys= point of this thread.
  12. Hobbies that keep your soul alive?

    Lifting weights/Jogging Screen writing for short films Producing films/editing alone or w/ friends. Hanging out w/ friends Volunteering My job lol.
  13. What to wear for volunteer orientation?

    Tank top and pajamas. Just don't come in in shorts and flip flops and no big earings and i think you'll be good
  14. Bad Boys, Nice Guys and Real Men™

    I'm glad it took you this long to figure this all out...but yes indeed you are correct in every way. Nice guys finish last; need i say more?
  15. the pay and job security.....