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  1. Nurse Dracula overqualified

    You have to continue your education, run up some student loan debt, and bam your now over qualified. Been there, bought the tee shirt too
  2. 8th Nursing Caption Contest - Win $100

    Batman to Robin "a catheter?" Robin "yes, a Texas Catheter." Batman, "a Texas Catheter?" Robin "yes, you know everything in/from Texas is bigger"
  3. 8th Nursing Caption Contest - Win $100

    I assure you Batman, it is not a garden hose. It is a cathter.
  4. Army Nursing

    Air Force.
  5. Tired of LTC...

    I started out in LTC at 18. Right out of high school. I cared for the residents of that facility as they were my family. In fact, sometimes they "adopt" you as much as you "adopting" them. Stayed in LTC for years. Then went to psych. Awesome field, u...
  6. Tired of LTC...

    Vent, vent , vent. I am new to this site. Seems great for nurses looking for support, encouragement, whatever you need. I am so happy I stumbled across this site.
  7. I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

    AMEN! When my Mother was in the hospital, I did not tell them I was a nurse until I seen trouble and same with my daughter when she was having my first grandchild, I did not want to be one to over step my boundaries. However I did stand up when the s...
  8. I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

    Amen! There are cameras everywhere now, so you know for sure they would be able to prove you tagged them.
  9. I have a friend who has been a nurse for a hundred years we joke and I have been a nurse since 2001. We joke about her being out school and me being fresh out of school. She is my rock and I am hers. Sometimes we "get on the roof" and need the other ...
  10. Do we need to take drugs.. in order to do our job?

    Me too. Although there is a family history (Mother). I quit smoking when I became a nurse and am pretty active, and HTN kicked in. Norvasc 10mg I take it before I go to bed every night. I am new to this site and so glad I found it. I can truely relat...
  11. Do we need to take drugs.. in order to do our job?

    By the end of Nursing school (LPN) 5 of us were on ativan. Class of 25 of us. They had us so stressed out. And i had experience in the medical field!