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About Cali_Nurse_209

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  1. California State Prison background check processing time

    Sorry! My comment posted twice for some reason!
  2. California State Prison background check processing time

    Hi! So I ended up hearing back and my fingerprints cleared at exactly 4 weeks as well! I had my fingerprints done around Christmas so that might've been the reason for the delay too. I was getting kind of anxious. My first day is next week. I'm also ...
  3. California State Prison background check processing time

    Hi! So I ended up hearing back and my fingerprints cleared at exactly 4 weeks as well! I had my fingerprints done around Christmas so that might've been the reason for the delay too. I was getting kind of anxious. My first day is next week. I'm also ...
  4. California State Prison background check processing time

    I am in the same situation as you. I just hit my 3 week mark today waiting on livescan. I was wondering if you have already started?
  5. CSU Stanislaus Nursing Spring 2016?!

    I was alternate #9 when I applied for Fall 2012 and I got in. I graduated from Stan State this past May 2015. I really enjoyed the program there. Don't give up hope. Congratulations and good luck to you all!
  6. CALIFORNIA NCLEX Takers - Results

    Oh yea and my test cut off at 75q and I kept getting the good PPP up. So the PVT was accurate in my case.
  7. CALIFORNIA NCLEX Takers - Results

    Tested in Northern California (Sacramento) Tested on June 2, 2015 Results were posted June 11, 2015 I was told that my transcripts were missing. So I drove to the BRN to hand deliver them only to find out that they were in fact there, just not proces...
  8. Looking for confidence for NCLEX success

    Relax and think positive! You know more than you think! Best of luck to you!
  9. Passed NCLEX-RN 75Qs 1st attempt

    Thank you!
  10. Passing the NCLEX utilizing self confidence

    You are so right! I said something similar in a post. Congratulations!
  11. Passed NCLEX-RN 75Qs 1st attempt

    Thank you!
  12. Incivility: Beyond the Nurse

    Yes! For my Nursing Leadership & Management class, we had to write a Sentinel Event paper using incivility in nursing as the subject. It was a very challenging, yet eye-opening assignment.
  13. Passed NCLEX-RN 75Qs 1st attempt

    Hey! It's been a long while since I posted, but I told myself that when I passed the NCLEX-RN I would post how I studied for it. I started the BSN program in Fall 2012 and just graduated on May 28, 2015. I received my ATT via email on Memorial Day an...
  14. No longer a nursing student - graduation!

    Congratulations! Just took my final today and I'm done with my BSN. Now to wait for pinning which is on May 27th then graduation on May 28th. Three years flew by!
  15. Made it in!!
