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  1. Good Writing Skills Are Essential

    I highly recommend Revising Prose by Richard A. Lanham. Perfect book for taking writing to the next level no matter what field or stage of life you are in. Slightly pricey but well worth it!
  2. GWU ABSN Fall 2012

    GeedubRN2010: Can you share with us more of the 'aspects that you loved' about the program? What was your class schedule like, clinicals, life after nursing school...advice you can pass along. Yes, traffic in NoVa is lovely :) I'll wish for no sno...
  3. GWU ABSN Fall 2012

    Nancy, I live in the area so I'll be commuting but the school is located in an area with lots of homes. It's possible you could rent a room from someone locally. There may be postings on campus or you could try Craigslist. As far as finances...tha...
  4. GWU ABSN Fall 2012

    I called and looked into tuition reimbursement. GWU does not offer a program. If you are a PT or FT employee and are employed in a 'tuition reimbursement eligible' position then GWU will cover part of your cost. That doesn't help us much since we...
  5. GWU ABSN Fall 2012

    Yes I received an email last week and have sent my payment in. I'm definitely attending! Now on to figuring out financing. I too would love to hear more on the tuition payback at GWU if that is a possibility. Nancy.wong-I read somewhere that GWU'...
  6. GWU ABSN Fall 2012

    I was told that you should receive an email directing you to check your NursingCAS /GWU application. I was told they had over 300 applicants for 55 slots. The next 4-6 weeks can't pass soon enough!
  7. 1st Nursing Cartoon caption contest - win $100

    Looks like he finally made it out of the dog house!
  8. GWU ABSN Fall 2012

    Hello, Yes, I applied a few weeks ago and am also very anxious to hear back. I have not received any updates either. Best of luck to you both. GWU is my first choice!