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  1. chest pain

    With further investigation and speaking with other units, I am now wondering if this is not a case of microemboli. A collegue has suggested that in some patients, when heparin is dropped low to 500 from 1K, often there are microemboli. Has anyone ha...
  2. encouragement needed

    SassyLassy: Your honesty in what is happening is appreciated and well respected. It is obvious that you have a sincere interest in the patient and shame on FMC and any other corporation that does not have the patient as their priority. In a case suc...
  3. encouragement needed

    Are these units of which you speak one of the larger companies, i.e. Davita, FMC? To my knowledge there is suppose to be an intensive training prior to being put on the floor to go through, yet another training. Dialysis treatment is not something t...
  4. Psychiatric and mental health nurse-certified

    Did you go to Mt Sinai Hospital in Florida by any chance? Are you near WHidby Island?
  5. Dealing with borderline

    The BOrdlerline patient is very challenging to work with. Having worked with borderline patients (and staff) for many many years, I have just a few simple rules. 1. Leave your own baggage at home for if you don't the borderline will push your button...
  6. RN with relapsing cdiff

    As a note re the post of worker's compensation attorneys. If the attorney does w/c then they are paid directly by the state, usually. It is a set fee of either 12 or 15 %, not sure. Worker's compensation attorneys can not ask for money from you as it...
  7. hospital selling our unit

    Forgot, address of Renal Advantage, Inc is 115 east park drive, brentwood, TN 37027 615-661-1100
  8. hospital selling our unit

    There is a Renal Advantage Inc. RAI. The CEO is Mike Klein. If this is the company that you are speaking about I can provide the following information. In July, the company announced plans to purchase 73 dialysis centers from Davita and Gambro. They ...
  9. Do you wash your hands?

    I am delighted to see all of you students washing your hands. There is a major problem, as you all are well aware, of health care associated infections (nosocomial). There, often, is a lack of full understanding of cross contamination. Recently, to s...
  10. Anticougulation during dialysis

    The multi billion dollar industry that dialysis now is, I would think they could equip their units with a new pump or two ! __________________ J'nette: The above statement is disturbing. I can only imagine the great frustration you must have when i...
  11. only 6 weeks to train, help!!

    What you are saying is of some concern considering errors can kill on dialysis. In the new regulations, an RN to be a unit manager must have one year clinical and six months of dialysis maintenance. From what I hear you saying, this is pretty scarey ...
  12. Southern California?

    I am interested in knowing about the training nurses and technicians (patient care) receive with various companies, i.e. DaVita, FMC, RCG. Do larger corporations focus on patient's 'really' being active in their treatment? Are family allowed to stay ...
  13. Southern California?

    Mary: Curious, to what extent to your techs-patient care receive training? Are you in a large unit?
  14. Crit lines

    i believe they have a webiste... critline.com but not sure. If you call the company their nurse educators are wonderful about helping and answering questions.
  15. hh Are you all aware that the 'new' proposed language for ESRD regulations has been published to the Federal Register (2/4/05)).. This means that these proposed regs are open for public comment for ninety days, at which time, public comments are revi...