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About Lainey344

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  1. Nursing student mistake

    It was a one time mistake. You know what you did wrong. Take some remedial action on your own part and move on. The patient was not harmed. Your educators may want to question you on your learned experience but more than that would be derogat...
  2. Are non-healthcare providers bound by HIPAA?

    She is a friend from High School and she is on your Facebook why not send her a secret message and REMIND her of her need to be more discreet and that it is violation of the person's privacy. And how would she feel if some one was posting her loved o...
  3. Are non-healthcare providers bound by HIPAA?

    SHe is a freind from High School and she is on your Facebook why not send her a secret message and REMIND her of her need to be more discreet and that it is violation of the person's privacy. And how would she feel if some one was posting her love...