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  1. Atlanta, Georgia Nurses

    Schools in the Atlanta area vary and can be very good to horrible. You'll need to look at school ratings for the area you're thinking of living in. Traffic is awful in the Metro area, so you need to take that into consideration when you're house hunt...
  2. New Grad orientation...

    I work in a hospital in L&D and my resident program/orientation was 22 weeks long. Most of the units at my hospital have their residents in orientation for 12 weeks.
  3. Ob call requirements

    I work in L&D as an RN. We are required to sign up for 12 hours of call per month. We get paid a small amount for being on call and get callback pay (time and a half) if we get called in. My department is larger than yours and has more staff so w...
  4. Weather Policy

    I work at a hospital in suburban Atlanta and we have an inclement weather policy. If a code white is called, staff is called and asked to come in before the storm hits or gets bad. You are expected to be at work for your scheduled shift(s). If you...
  5. I am a new grad and started in L&D as a nurse in August. My residency will last 22 weeks. This is in a metro Atlanta hospital.
  6. Our school (in GA) had us apply for the GA BON, apply for NCLEX, pay all fees, do fingerprinting, background check, everything in early April. That way, everything would be done well before the school sent paperwork to Pearsonvue. Our graduation was...
  7. UNG Fall 2013

    You can ask your advisor this question when you are getting advised the day of orientation. I think that you have to take med micro no later than your first semester of the second year but I could be wrong. Honestly, I'd take it as soon as possible...
  8. UNG Fall 2013

    They're pretty strict about attendance both years. If you miss clinical, there will be makeup work. First year's makeup work was bad, second year's was completely out of control awful. We missed a day of clinical for Med/Surg because school was ca...
  9. UNG Fall 2013

    Working is definitely doable, especially first year. I worked full-time (3 12 hour shifts a week) through both years of nursing school. I thought it was hard first year and I'm sure it was but it was very, very hard second year, with having clinica...
  10. UNG Fall 2013

    Nikki, Trying to get work in the hospital is a very good idea. If you work as a PCT at NGHS you are pretty much guaranteed a job after you graduate. New grad jobs aren't super easy to get so getting your foot in the door is a great idea. NGHS, Nor...
  11. UNG Fall 2013

    Dupton, please don't worry about it. I'm willing to answer any questions, as I know how scary and hard it is.
  12. UNG Fall 2013

    You're right, Habersham instead of Chestatee! For some reason, I thought you went to Chestatee!
  13. UNG Fall 2013

    Signing up for a mentor is a very good idea. I signed up for a mentor first year and the person never contacted me. I didn't feel comfortable contacting them since they never contacted me. I unofficially mentored sk8inghunny (from here on allnurses...
  14. UNG Fall 2013

    I got the drawstring pants instead of the elastic ones, as I don't like elastic. Our campus had a private FB group and our class had a public FB group and both were very helpful. Clinical sites for first year are NGHS in Gainesville and Chestatee. ...
  15. UNG Fall 2013

    If you have the time, you should try to get up to Dahlonega on a different day than orientation to get your ID and parking pass, as the orientation starts at 8am. At orientation, you sit in the big auditorium and you are introduced to the first year...