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About kakammeier

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  1. UC Davis RN Residency February 2014

    I wish I could give advice...I have been told that there are questions that they ask on every unit, but i spoke to a NM friend in peds and the NM i interviewed with, their questions were totally different. The interview started with her explaining th...
  2. UC Davis RN Residency February 2014

    Just interviewed with the Surgical ICU today. Not sure how I did, I rambled on a couple questions. Still, so honored just to be chosen for an interview. To the people interviewing in the accelerated access unit: I volunteered there in 2011-2012. It i...
  3. Georgia Health Science University applicants for Aug12

    @ugapeach: no, i haven't made housing arrangements yet. It's difficult since I live in CA, but ideally i'd like to live with other CNL students. sealchip and I are friends on facebook, do you have one to? either way, you can also e-mail me at kakamme...
  4. Georgia Health Science University applicants for Aug12

    @ugapeach: I interviewed that same day at 10:30, we just barely missed each other
  5. Georgia Health Science University applicants for Aug12

    @ugapeach : you're at the Augusta campus, right? Which day did you interview? It would be cool if we've met each other already.
  6. Georgia Health Science University applicants for Aug12

    I would love to live with other CNL students--to anyone looking for a roomie in Augusta feel free to message me.
  7. Georgia Health Science University applicants for Aug12

    thank you for all of your great advice sharzae! to the other acceptors: have you had issues getting the immunization forms mentioned in the acceptance packet? None of the hyperlinks work for me.
  8. Georgia Health Science University applicants for Aug12

    just called- got good news! The hints are worth it, and OM is very nice. My face hurts from smiling so much! If anybody else is going to Augusta let me know
  9. Georgia Health Science University applicants for Aug12

    i am nervous because my decision letter has not arrived yet. I know someone who almost didn't get into her program because she didn't get her admissions letter until right before it was due. When is the deposit deadline?
  10. Georgia Health Science University applicants for Aug12

    good luck! i hope mine changes soon!
  11. Georgia Health Science University applicants for Aug12

    Is anybody following this thread applying to the Augusta campus? I interviewed there a month ago, and I am ready to burst with anticipation.
  12. University of San Francisco ME-CNL Summer 2012

    the wait is killing me toooo. I hope we hear back soon. they said about six weeks from the deadline, right? so...that would be Mar. 28th.
  13. USD MEPN App 2012 - Fall Class of 2011 Stats

    I know! it was so nice meeting you all, and I hope to reconnect with you all soon. I, for one, will be posting in this forum as soon as I find out (Kristen)