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About Salaramak

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  1. question on la charity

    Good luck to all of you who are preparing to take your NCLEX exam. DON"T expect it to be EASY, just be prepared! Don't over analyze the questions, remember ABC's, review pharmacology, standard precautions, and LAB values. Most of all, take your ti...
  2. Poll: How long did it take you to finish the NCLEX?

    Just found out that I indeed passed my NCLEX exam! My advise is to take your time to read each question carefully.
  3. PVT Trick says that I "previously passed" this right?

    I had taken my exam on 11/17, 30 mins after completing the exam I logged on to the Pearson Vue website to do the "trick." I recieved a message stating that... This candidate has previously passed this exam, a new appointment cannot be rescheduled." ...
  4. PVT Trick says that I "previously passed" this right?

    I had taken my NCLEX exam on 11/17/2011. I had completed the exam with 75 questions!! What makes my situation different is that I had graduated 12/2010. What did I do to prepare for the exam? Saunders, Kaplan audio (which I had downloaded on my m...
  5. Poll: How long did it take you to finish the NCLEX?

    Just finished my exam, 75 Q's which took me 1 hour 45 mins. Worried as I didn't have any math for meds Q's??