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About LetLive

I love to learn. I love music, people, and I think that passion is one of the more important things in life.

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  1. CNA in Labor and Delivery?

    Can a CNA work in Labor and Delivery? I really would like to work with moms and babies, helping them as much as I can. Also, does this vary by state? Thanks so much!
  2. college advice!?

    I know someone at Northeastern. She is a nursing major, and really is enjoying it as far as I know.
  3. Will getting a BSN be worth it? Really need advice!

    Thinking logically, I would probably re-take the classes and try for higher grades in order to pay less in the long run. However, depending on how long you must remain in school to get those higher grades, you might end up using the money you would'v...
  4. Took the TEAS V: I think I bombed the Math section

    The only way to really prepare for the test (any test) is to practice. Maybe find an online math prep to help you or consider enrolling in a basic math class to review before you re-take the test. I don't know how much time you have, but a semester ...
  5. What to expect when taking a CNA class?

    Thank you, that was very helpful information. I didn't know that information about the hospitals wanting you to have a yr of experience, but that makes sense. I think I'll still try and apply for a hospital position anyway.
  6. How I Studied for the TEAS

    This is helpful, thank you for posting!
  7. Hey all, I'm taking my CNA class in December. I was wondering what I should be expecting. I've heard that it's pretty easy, is that true? Also, what should I expect when I enter my job as a CNA? (I'll probably be employed by a hospital, not a n...