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  1. Help! Six Panel ICU interview for new grad!!

    Thanks so much for this valuable information! I printed out the interview guide and will be studying it thoroughly - this is the best info I have seen on interviewing.
  2. Loma Linda RN residency 2012

    I got it too - it is exciting... :)
  3. Loma Linda RN residency 2012

    nothing here...
  4. Loma Linda RN residency 2012

    Way to go - I think that means you passed the screening; I did not get that email - not a good sign, sigh... good luck!
  5. Loma Linda RN residency 2012

    I'm thinking that it is a bad sign that I haven't heard anything yet; anyone get a call/email yet either way? I'm biting my nails.... I know the odds are tough.