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About EAST1981

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  1. Aww, shucks. Thanks!
  2. Funny quotes from patients

    I had a pt during my preceptorship who was in his mid 50's and had come in for a PFO repair. I went in the room to answer his call light and he said "I was just wondering if I could get a little piece of bread, with a little bit of turkey and maybe ...
  3. I am new grad and I am a sitter in a local hospital (until I get an RN position, that is!) I think this sitter's behavior is ridiculous!! One thing I have found in the last year and a half of doing this job is that typically, the patient's behavior...
  4. Oh, the Q is silent...

    Heard a fellow nursing student complain today that her "sphygnanometer" wasn't working. My first thought was "That's not the right word, you're missing a couple syllables." My second thought was "Why not just call it a BP cuff like everyone else?":p
  5. University of Nebraska Nursing program

    I am currently in the UNMC program. And actually, there are 5 campuses now, so if you're not picky about where you go that increases your odds considerably. The campuses are in Omaha, Lincoln, Norfolk, Kearney and Scottsbluff. Many people prefer O...