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About Jeannie89

Jeannie89 has 3 years experience.

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  1. Unwillful Mandation How legal is it??

    this is also an on going process at the facility im working in did any body find the real answer to the mandation is it llegal or not i have had it .
  2. OK, clinicals in two weeks?!....NO experience!

    expect to wipe old peoples behinds, bathe them, change dirty diapers, lift heavy patients, and most importantly get ready to SWEAT !!! LOL no, seriously ! have fun
  3. Lincoln tech paramus, starting dec 21

    I would just like to let everyone know how im doing so far. i started the program dec 21, 2011 and so far so good. Me, personally i find the program fairly easy. Im in my first module and im taking nursing fundamentals 1, a&p 1 , and professional...
  4. Hi everyone ! Im starting the lpn program at lincoln tech paramus dec 21st :) im super hype and extremely nervous at the sane time! Im just looking to see if anyone on here is starting this month ? & if your a current or former student can I ge...
  5. i need some help making a decison and fast ! im 22 yrs old and i desperately want to be a nurse. i have been a cna for 3 years, i have a one year old child and im ready for a change. now im suppose to be starting school in lincoln tech paramus, nj in...
  6. lincoln tech LPN program in edison new jersey

    i would also suggest to just let them fill out your fasfa because its easy to make a mistake and she did it very quick. if your parents are'nt to crazy about you holding onto a copy of their documents them just bring them in.
  7. lincoln tech LPN program in edison new jersey

    congrats on passing the entrance exam ! i will be starting the lpn course in paramus. i hate to burst your bubble but every student has a balance no matter how much financial aide covers you. now i personally qualified for the pell grant which was 5,...
  8. keep your comments and opinions to yourself ! you go to work to do your job, make your money and go home. there's alot of co-workers i dont like, but the only person who knows about them is my husband. your words will come back to haunt you. the solu...
  9. looking for some info on lincoln tech !! :)

    thank you so much, im going to check them out asap
  10. looking for some info on lincoln tech !! :)

    thanks so much for the info. i was recently reading about all the body functions like cardiovascular, immune, respitory, etc. just brushing up on them because i did learn this in cna class but that was 3 years ago. so do you think that will will be h...
  11. "I didn't go to school to do X" the new mentality in nursing?

    you stated i should run it threw a spell and grammer check, but yet you ended your sentence with a question mark? i dont see a question there, i see a comment. hmmm take your own advice
  12. "I didn't go to school to do X" the new mentality in nursing?

    @mshellokitty .. i really could care less about any grammer or spelling mistakes i might have made because im not in class and your not my teacher! the fact of the matter is, is that you made comments about a situation you were'nt there for. so your ...
  13. "I didn't go to school to do X" the new mentality in nursing?

    @cherrybreezy.. lol im sorry if i came on alil strong its just that being in this career you have to learn to speak up for yourslf in a respectful way. i have seen people get verbally abused and pushed over & i just refuse to be one of them. i am...
  14. "I didn't go to school to do X" the new mentality in nursing?

    ok, maybe you didnt understand what i wrote & maybe you should reread :) to anwser all your comments #1 im not exaggerating at all, like i said i've seen this with my own 2 eyes which i have 20/20 vision ! #2 i said in that perticular situation h...
  15. "I didn't go to school to do X" the new mentality in nursing?

    i see this all the time in the nursing home i work in. all these nurses feel they are superior to us cna's. dont get me wrong there are some really good nurses who will help, but like i said-some! i myself will be attending lpn school soon and once i...