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About rheabonita

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  1. MD Anderson Summer Residency 2014 Thread

    Anyone else starts July??
  2. Lonestar Spring 2012 Hopefuls

    Hello hopefuls!! i'm just updating my profile. my first school of choice is cyfair, and then kingwood. btw, i spoke to one of the ladies who handle applications last monday and she told me not to believe whatever we read online. we are all pretty mu...
  3. Points for Lonestar RN program

    11.45 to cyfair and kingwood, 1st and 2nd choices respectively. how about u? i've been reading threads and it does make sense that every semester varies. i was just so surprised with how my grade turned out compared to the majority which is most like...
  4. Lonestar Spring 2012 Hopefuls

    ugh! 11.45... i'm doomed! why do you guys have to be so smart?
  5. Points for Lonestar RN program

    hello everyone! i recently completed my HESI and i am scared that it is not good enough. .. anyone else applying for spring 2012?