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About ladyjedimaster

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  1. SHOES!

    skechers rocker bottoms designed like MBT's are my shoes. Great sales right now !
  2. Chronic lack of energy! New nurse problems.

    Still keep it in mind. I was tested for everything possible & wasn't diagnosed for a year. TO ALL NURSES !!!!! DO NOT IGNORE SEVERE FATIGUE !!!! VERY INSIDIOUS SYMPTOM !!!!!
  3. What's the weirdest thing management has said to you?

    WTG ! All patients are VIP's !
  4. What's the weirdest thing management has said to you?

    Unfortunately not all nurse managers have a pt. care background & judge you on what you should be doing when they don't have a clue. I came up from the trenches & knew what my nurses should be doing !
  5. What's the weirdest thing management has said to you?

    Obviously your manager doesn't know the Labor Laws which makes her a delinquent manager. When I was a nurse manager, I was taught eveything about everything, so I could quote chapter & verse as rebuttal to stupidity !!!!!
  6. What's the weirdest thing management has said to you?

    what a bunch of crap !
  7. What's the weirdest thing management has said to you?

    I was working as a school nurse ( WORSE JOB EVER ) & had this psychotic principal who was on my ass all the time. During one fight,he told me I THOUGHT NURSES WERE USED TO BEING MISTREATED !!!!!! I had a few choice things to say to that !!!!! Som...
  8. Chronic lack of energy! New nurse problems.

    yes & Iam sorry to say I discovered I had SLE & RA !!!!! Fatigue is a symptom that we blow off but shouldn't. If anyone experiences continuos fatigue, get yourself checked out. I ignored it & am disabled now !!!!!
  9. CASH PRIZES - Participate to Win Contest

    You already have a ghost story. May I submit mine ? Ladyjedimaster