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About **********-RN

Married -49- and a mother of a 14yr. old girl. In my first semester of Nursing school. An ASN program.

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  1. Thomas Nelson Community College

    Ohh I forgot to mention that I passed the NCLEX the first time and I did not take any NCLEX course but I know that as a hiring incentive all the hospitals will pay for you to that it, which is cost about $600-800. I went to TNCC and for two week they...
  2. Thomas Nelson Community College

    TNCC Clinicals consist of being at the designated facility at 6:45 ready to take report from the night shift. I had clinicals first at Riverside Regional Convalence Center, Eastern State Hospital in the Geriatric ward. Mary Immaculate Hospital- Labor...
  3. Thomas Nelson Community College

    I'm a New Grad from TNCC May 2007, Many LPNs bridge over to RN. I would suggest that if you plan on going to TNCC that you ask the Nursing Department if you can take the Drug Dosage and Caculations Course before you get started in the RN program, ask...